
La prima app innovativa che si concentra sulla promozione di attività commerciali nella zona della Valbormida e Savona. 


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Con Bubblezone, gli utenti possono accedere a promozioni esclusive e a offerte limitate nel tempo. L’app offre una vasta gamma di promozioni, che vanno dallo sconto su prodotti specifici alla possibilità di partecipare a eventi speciali. Gli utenti possono inoltre salvare le promozioni preferite per accedervi in futuro.

Esplora, scopri, Salva

Registrati in pochi secondi

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Notifiche lampo

Esplora le promozioni

Accedi a promozioni esclusive e a offerte limitate nel tempo. L’app offre una vasta gamma di promozioni, che vanno dallo sconto su prodotti specifici alla possibilità di partecipare a eventi speciali. 

Come funzionano le promozioni?


Le promozioni stagionali sono offerte promozionali che vengono attivate in corrispondenza di un periodo specifico dell’anno, e sono sempre valide in negozio.


Le promozioni lampo durano solo per un breve periodo di tempo, solitamente alcune ore o pochi giorni e vengono lanciate all’improvviso.

Quanto costa l'app?

Gratis, per sempre!


/per sempre

Sono i commercianti a sostenere i costi dell’app.


What is an NFT?
NFTs are a wise choice for both digital and nondigital artists for three key reasons. First off, this is a growing industry, with the market for religiously motivated NFTs predicted to reach $24 billion in value by 2024. Second, the sale of NFTs enables artists to generate continuing royalties, which traditionally
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NFTs are a wise choice for both digital and nondigital artists for three key reasons. First off, this is a growing industry, with the market for religiously motivated NFTs predicted to reach $24 billion in value by 2024. Second, the sale of NFTs enables artists to generate continuing royalties, which traditionally
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NFTs are a wise choice for both digital and nondigital artists for three key reasons. First off, this is a growing industry, with the market for religiously motivated NFTs predicted to reach $24 billion in value by 2024. Second, the sale of NFTs enables artists to generate continuing royalties, which traditionally
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NFTs are a wise choice for both digital and nondigital artists for three key reasons. First off, this is a growing industry, with the market for religiously motivated NFTs predicted to reach $24 billion in value by 2024. Second, the sale of NFTs enables artists to generate continuing royalties, which traditionally
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NFTs are a wise choice for both digital and nondigital artists for three key reasons. First off, this is a growing industry, with the market for religiously motivated NFTs predicted to reach $24 billion in value by 2024. Second, the sale of NFTs enables artists to generate continuing royalties, which traditionally
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NFTs are a wise choice for both digital and nondigital artists for three key reasons. First off, this is a growing industry, with the market for religiously motivated NFTs predicted to reach $24 billion in value by 2024. Second, the sale of NFTs enables artists to generate continuing royalties, which traditionally

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